Design, UI, UX , Inspiration , Website Examples
50 About Page Examples of Digital Agencies – WOW Factor (Pt.2)
Part 2 of our collection of beautifully designed About Pages - 50 examples of the pros to boost your creativity
We are back again with the next portion of 50 gourmet About page designs of some of the most creative digital agencies we can find on the web. If you have missed our first article, you can check it out here. Without further delay, let’s jump right to the special selection we made for you and let us… wow you!
50. Wonderland
We love the animation of the headlines – shifting letters, it makes you pay attention. The team photos are fun, fresh and the scrolling effect adds a sense of spaciousness.
51. Dog Studio
Really bold design and… words! The About page here speaks confidence, style and know-how.
52. Epic
Love the Rembrandt-ish look of the team photos, the overall color scheme and handdrawn illustrations in this design. Have a look!
53. Mountain View
The names of the team are put on a line and you can click and explore them one by one. The interesting typography, the choice of colors and numerous photos make the design very pleasant to look at.
54. Buorre
Love the zig-zag layout and the big, bold squares with infographics. Check it out!
55. BGN Agency
Beautiful scrolling effect, content balanced along a middle axis of the screen . Simple design solutions that simply work!
56. Lift Interactive
Fresh colors and simple illustrations are the juice of this design. A structure is nicely achieved by lines, various font sizes and typography.
57. Sparxoo
Beautiful big photos accompanied by powerful, punchy headlines with a pinch of humour and slightly boisterous. Certainly catches your eye and sparks your interest to know more. The design is further enhanced by lineart origami-like animal icons, descibing the company’s values and skills. The little scrolling effect on the page adds to the elegance of the website and it is a nice wrap up.
58. Fathom
The guys here create a whole story through their About page – from telling a bit about where they are based, to stating their values and a little quote from a member of the team – just enough to get to know the people more! Very airy, spacious design with outdoor photos – certainly feels like a “breath of fresh air” and not visuals of hardworking employees locked up in dark rooms, shot against dark grey walls.
59. Buffalo
We love the simple design and on-hover effects. They have a kind of straight-forward approach to design and answer your most burning questions before you even ask them. They also have two dogs at the office, and who does not love them?
60. Rouge
We like the card design here and the beautiful shots from the office of Rouge. They have kept it simple, but at the same time fresh and engaging. We love the gradients in their design and the simple infographics, thumbs up!
61. Sozo
Love the beautiful infographic of their process at the bottom of the page and the assymetry in the design. Strong colors, good contrast and careful choice of typography are the winning elements here.
62. Mixd
Nice pounding effect on the infographics of the company’s values – making them the focus point of the design. We love the team photos too – the deliberate large size of the visuals, the light, spacious background and the big smiles make everything welcoming and inviting.
63. Merci-Michel
There are several things to marvel at with this About page design – the interesting facts they share through just a few words; the juicy color combinations; the original animations with pan effect and 3d feel. Well, let’s let the design speak for itself – have a look! One of our personal favorite About pages.
64. Disko
Showcasing their best work, office shots and skills with… style. Definitely one of the sleekest About pages we can find out there. We give extra points for the nice flow between the different sections and unified design in general.
65. Make Me Pulse
Have a look at the beautiful layout here, the liquified visuals and animation on text. We also love the idea of gradients in the design and fast motion video of the office environment . Great job!
66. 5emegauche
What better way of getting to know the people behind an agency/brand than showing them in their environment, doing what they love to do? The guys here create an immersive experience by taking you on a virtual walk around the office. The video is shot as if you are visiting and observing everything through your own eyes. Use scroll in and out to take steps forward and backward – it really adds a sense of motion, dimension and time in the design of their About page!
67. Delasocial
A slightly different approach from what we’ve seen so far – instead of showing the team, Delasocial decided to curate a colorful and fresh gallery, showcasing their best projects/works. Obviously, they let the pieces speak for themselves! (And we don’t mind)
68. Elespacio
The guys here are sporting a super interactive website . They’re really good at making eye-catching designs and telling captivating stories. When you visit their website, you can see their modern, tech-savvy vibe. Elespacio’s all about mixing creativity and technology to give brands a fresh, stylish look for the digital age .
69. Bytepark
Very clean and well-organized design layout plus nice, natural blurred background video – perfect combo for a successful and professional looking About page.
70. Sequence
Minimalistic design decided in black and white in combination with large, light photos showing the team is enough to get the feel of what Sequence is about. We love the tech, spacious look and the personality in the visuals – so this becomes one of our favorites on the About pages list!
71. Cinco
If you love minimalistic design and breathtaking intro/showcase videos, Cinco’s About page is a stop you’d like to take. Inspiring and impressive – no wonder brands trust the labs to create their visuals. Check it out!
72. Spry
Beautiful background videos with muted color schemes and smart layering of the different sections. Black and white is classic and this About page is… classy! Have a look.
73. Have A Nice Day Online
We love the doodles binding the whole design together and bringing a fun element to it. Nice flow, colors and carefully thought out visuals. The guys here managed to look fun and laid-back, yet professional – we like them!
74. Poolhouse
We find their choice of background videos very interesting – unlike many other companies, they choose to use close ups – revealing different details from their worklife and somehow… bringing you closer to the team. The photos of the employees are very natural, unforced and makes their About page even more likeable!
75. Rooster
Confidence, bold statement, proud name and shocking, energetic video header – one more way to make an awesome About page and impress!
76. Wildlife
Very delicate animations with sliding effect and asymmetry, matching the style of the logo. The textures are beautiful and the balance between statistics, text and imagery shows that Wildlife know how to do a great About page – informative, but not overwhelming or boring.
77. Thinknologies
How do ideas come to life? Beautiful animation on scroll, explaining the creative process. Taking the time and effort to create something like that, always catches the attention and stands out from the crowd. Thinknologies, thank you for thinking of how to entertain your audience!
78. Grain&Mortar
We like simplicity, color, smiling people and animations of simple shapes – and Grain&Mortar’s About page gives us all that, great job! Can you spot which animation we have in mind? A hint- it’s very subtle, but will make you smile when you notice it. Good luck!
79. P’unk Ave
Of course we love their intro video and photos full of personality and a homy feel, but what we love even more is, that when you click on a photo of a team member, you get a whole lot more information about them and how they are involved in the processes in the company. Photos, blog articles, quotes – it is all there. They are a little bit Punk, but also very REAL. We like!
80. The Neigbourhood
The team here made the effort to create 3D model images of themselves – when you pan, you “meet” the team in 3D. Interesting solution, definitely original. Check it out.
81. Mostly Serious
We love the avatars behind the team’s photos, the colors and all the office shots – each one of them telling us a little bit of their story. Which is mostly beautiful and mostly creative. But probably also serious!
82. I Shot Him
The content and descriptions on the About page are hilarious and no wonder the guys are winning challenges with storytelling superpowers. They look fresh and approachable and we include them on our list without any hesitation.
83. Simple As Milk
If you love your work, and your clients love it too, why not include a big, honest testimonial from happy people on your About page ? Don’t forget to also show who you are and what you care about by including an Instagram feed. That’s the recipe of Simple As Milk for a fresh and engaging About page and we already love how they cook! (Enjoy the cool doodles too.)
84. Bright Bright Great
Two reasons to visit this About page – some good thoughts and philosophy on design and elegant, outline illustrations/icons. As they say “Less, but bettter”, what is your favorite thought from their page?
85. Joy
It’s always nice to hear a few words about the team – hobbies, what they are passionate about and what they are involved in. Accompanied by little icons and nice photos – it completes the picture of who you deal with it. We like that they keep it simple and found some interesting essential points to share with their audience. Thumbs up for Joy and their excellent approach to design of an About page.
86. Shape
So many things to appreciate about this About page – the green office shots, the funny pictures of the team, the interesting job-related and personal facts about them and the chance to connect with them on social media – impressive! Well, we learned one of the employees dislikes fruits… but obviously he has other ways to keep in… shape.
87. Focus Lab
We love that they kept it simple. With the layout, typography, colors. We especially like the solution of little “play” box for their showcase. It says “Hey, have a look if you want to” without making the About page busy and distracting from the rest of the content. We take notes!
88. Prime Union
A small team forming a digital studio with a very elegant and fresh About page. Everything looks very “zen” to us and well- balanced. Good job!
90. Station
If you like video effects, retro, candy colors and strange, creative ideas – this a MUST-SEE About page for you. Sometimes you can show who you are, by more abstract means! Leaving a strong impression on your audience is guaranteed.
91. Procab
Sometimes, design does not have to be complicated and too fancy, to make the right impression. Nice About page, deserving a place on the list.
92. Viens-La
One of the most creative About pages we’ve seen – the guys from Viens-La take you from one setting to the next, letting you explore their quirky personalities and enjoy humour and color through videos. You get the impression that you are invited to a film studio and you are participating in the shooting. We find their solution for an About page very warm, welcoming and fun! We also love their “scroll down” button.
93. Madeo
We like the simple design, bold typography and colors and enjoy even more the little colorful particles flying around the space and speeding up when you move your cursor. It’s very subtle design touch, but it certainly makes a good impression and earns Madeo a place on our WOW list.
94. Anakin
You will just fall in love with the nature analogies and the minimalistic style of this About page. We promise, have a look.
95. Syndicut
What you immediately see are geometric shapes – placeholders for Syndicut’s services. The thing that you notice only on hover action though, is that a “ghost” circle appears from left, right, bottom and covers the pointed geometric shape/service. We like the element of surprise here and how the circle, part of Syndicut’s visual identity, merges with all kinds of other shapes and “accomodates” them. Well, obviously we also got in the abstract and metaphoric state of thinking. Good job, Syndicut!
96. HUGE
HUGE is a Brooklyn digital agency that encourages you to “make something you love”. We think the virtue can also be seen in their intro video. Check it out – at the very least it will inspire you and charge you up with some good vibes and mood.
97. Digitalwerk
What we like here, is that they made short videos for each one of their teams – motion, marketing, development, etc. Their icons also deserve a look – unique and elegant. Your last stop should be hovering on their team photos – you will find out who is a hippie, who loves skateboarding… yes, you get the idea – meeting some new cool people!
98. MamboMambo
If you need some sun, tropical colors and vibes, palms and so on, have a look at this About page – it’s so refreshing and vibrant! We also give points for the zoom in/out and on-scroll effects.
99. Wokine
Great color, proportions and animations – check these guys’ About page. It’s a modern and frugal design and we love it!
100. Pan-Lesite
Our last choice for this selection is quite different from the rest – very artsy, rebellious, with horizontal scroll very, very little information, still on point though. Impressive wall art with stickers/collages. What you get from Pan’s About page is… character and as they show us – you don’t need much to communicate it to the audience!
Have an extra About page to add to our list?
Hey, feel free to add to our list! Maybe your own business and website is worth mentioning and we just haven’t noticed? Drop us a line, we are always glad to say hi to the like minded! Of course, we hope you enjoyed this selection too and that we helped you notice some little details and elements that make a good design great.
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