Design, UI, UX , Inspiration , Website Examples
14 Black and White Website Designs That Will Blown Your Mind
Learn how these websites and their designers took the best out of the lack of colors and defined the power of black and white.
Ever wanted to stand out from the others? Or just wanted to bring your creativity to a new maximum?
Then we’ve got a
challenge for you
. Take a look at these websites and try to beat them.
The only rule is:
Your website design needs to use two colors only – black and white.
Yes, it’s not easy, but we’ve got those great designs plus some tips below each of them. Don’t forget to check them out.
Each example uses a black and white color scheme for different purposes. Let’s see what takeaways we can get from each example and hopefully you will get new ideas you can apply to your future web design projects.
1. G!TheImagineers: Blueprint Style Black and White Design
- The black and white design helps the elements stand out, and make the minimalistic style look more professional and high-tech.
- The lack of color draws the focus to the animation and the copy.
Live Website: G!TheImagineers / Designed by: Index Studio (France)
2. Levon Aronian: Black and White Chess Grid
- The black and white design serves to reinforce the concept of chess.
- It looks clean and easy to scan and read.
- It allows more animations without making the design cluttered which prevents information overload.
Live Website: Grandmaster Levon Aronian / Designed by: Concept Studio (Germany)
3. Oxymoron: Playing with Negative Space
- The black and white design is paired with negative space and little text to keep the focus on the experience.
Live Website: Oxymoron / Designed by: Filip Slovacek (Czech Republic)
4. Angela Milosevic: Experimental Black and White Website
- Bold abstract imagery and huge fonts in black and white serve to create a surreal experience.
Live Website: Angela Milosevic / Designed by: Angela Milosevic (USA)
5. Black Dog: Digital Story in Black and White
- The black and white design serves to create eerieness while the graphics bend and twist at the cursor’s touch.
Live Website: Black Dog Picture Book / Designed by: 302 Chanwoo (South Korea)
6. Stone and Style: Black and White Magazine Design
- The black and white design complements the luxury fonts and images to communicate a high-end design.
Live Website: Stone and Style / Designed by: Garden Eight (Japan)
7. Jazz Keys: Black and White Canvas to Write Emotions
- The black and white design serves as a canvas and a starting point.
Live Website: Jazz Keys / Designed by: Plan 8 (Sweden)
8. Bad Boys Official Merch Store: Black and White for Visual Emphasis
- The black and white serve to bring absolute consistency to the images and physical products themselves. It creates a suitable gritty look.
Live Website: Bad Boys Official Merch Store / Designed by: Studio Freight (USA)
9. Longshot Features: Hypnotic and Noir
- The black and white design helps to make the animations pop and keep them clean. It also creates noir vibes.
Live Website: Longshot Features / Designed by: Driftime Media (United Kingdom)
10. Hello From Here: Immersive Poster Project
- The black and white design combined with the data visualization elements creates the feeling of a futuristic science program.
Live Website: Hello From Here / Designed by: Upperquad (Germany)
11. LEQB: Creative Minimalism in Black and White
- The black and white design keeps the website minimalistic and brings focus to the copy and animations.
Live Website: LEQB / Designed by: The First The Last (Ukraine)
12. Mysta Electric: Dipped in the Darkest Ink
- The black and white design help bring melancholy to the overall feeling of the website.
Live Website: Mysta Electric Portfolio / Designed by: Tore S. Bentsen (Denmark)
13. Gilles Tossoukpe Portfolio: Minimalism and Clarity
- The black and white design helps balance the visuals and animations and keeps the website clean.
Live Website: Gilles Tossoukpe Portfolio / Designed by: Gilles Tossoukpé (France)
14. Stykovka Affiliate Program: Futuristic Experience in Black and White
- The black and white design complements the unique grid layout, making it seem bolder but also easy to read.
Live Website: Stykovka Affiliate Program / Designed by: Omega (USA)
These 14 hand-picked web design examples use black and white color schemes to accomplish different goals. And the benefits can fall into the following categories:
It stands out:
Black and white color palette can make your typography, images, and other visual elements stand out.
It looks professional:
Especially for tightly interactive websites, the black and white color scheme keeps the look professional.
Simplifies choices:
If you want to keep the website minimalistic and simplify your user’s choices, this would be the way to go.
Brings mood:
Black and white websites with huge fonts look powerful and visually striking. Depending on which of the two colors is dominant and how it interacts with your elements, your design can be very dramatic, melancholic, futuristic, luxurious, or corporate.
Clears room for experiments:
As it creates a lot of negative space, it also gives you room for experimentation with 3D, animations, typography, and other visuals.
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