Inside htmlBurger – Dedicated brand for App Development by the folks behind htmlBurger

Here at htmlBurger we are happy to announce a new division of our business. In-house Team is an independent brand specialized in custom Web and mobile App Development operating from a separate working environment.

The Concept

A house /literally/ full of developers, operating independently from the core business – htmlBurger, but still very much part of the same company and sharing the same core values. This new environment and diversification in the nature of the projects between both divisions allow a new culture to emerge. As a result, we will grow as an organization and give an opportunity to our tech talent to push the boundaries in different directions.

The Story Behind In-House Team

Over the years, we have gradually started seeing an increasing demand for projects where the clients haven’t had clear-cut design mocks. Instead, they have come with a vision for a product or tech solution for a business problem and they need a dedicated tech team at their disposal.

It didn’t take long before we realized that the realization of these projects would require a radically different approach in terms of communication, project management, and general working process in comparison to the smaller scale clearly defined projects we have been used to.

We took inspiration from the Agile software development practices and we have seen great results. Our clients couldn’t be expected to have a full understanding and definitive vision for the final shape of the project: part of the journey is to work through and figure out how things that are already built should be reshaped, adapted and manipulated in order to ultimately achieve a far better product.

Once we got to grips with the new working methodology and practices, after much trial and error, we figured that the way to go was to form a completely separate dedicated team that would specialize in these projects. So in June 2019, we took the plunge, dedicated resources, and the In-House Team was born.

What Can Our In-house Team Help You With and What Technologies Do We Use?

We are working with the most advanced technologies and solutions. A tailor made solution combining the latest cutting edge technology and the very best experts.

  • Web Applications Development
  • Maintaining and refactoring legacy software
  • Mobile applications development
  • Ecommerce Development
  • End-to-end SaaS platform development
  • Product Management
  • UI / UX design
  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineering (AWS)
  • Infrastructure Automation (Ansible)


  • Laravel / Symfony
  • NodeJS (Express)
  • Serverless Solutions (AWS Lambda)
  • React
  • VueJS
  • React Native
  • GraphQL
  • Redux & Redux Saga

Sum Up

This In-House Team is ready and available. Scalable enough to work on large, long term solutions, flexible enough to work through timeframes and requests with you, and most importantly knowledgeable enough to create your vision and make it real. A talented, professional group that was born to rise to a challenge and solve problems.

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