Design, UI, UX , Inspiration

50 Login Design Examples that Mix Creativity with Convenience

When it comes to designing login for your app or website, there is one priority: giving users easy access to your services. But is this all it takes for a great UX? In this article, I collected 50 login design examples that mix creativity with efficiency to bring users convenient UX and security. The examples come from different UI/UX designers from all over the web to inspire you for your next project.

So what makes a good login design?

In the following examples, you’ll see patterns that make it very easy to answer this question. First of all, all login screens and forms are clear on where to log in. But there are other good practices that designers should consider when building the login section, so let’s review them before proceeding with the examples.

🚪 Visual Distinction Between Sign In and Sign Up
Implement different colors and shapes to distinguish between the two options.

✅ Be careful about the Stay Signed In option
Having this option is a great practice as it conveniences the user not to type their data every time they visit your app. However, when it comes to websites that collect sensitive data such as online banking, it’s better to abandon this option due to the risk for the user to compromise their account.

📱 Use One Screen
We’ve seen a lot of popular applications, including Shopify asking for username and password on separate screens. However, when it comes to good UX, having them on one screen reduces the clicks and time for the user twice.

👁️ Add Option to Unmask Password
When users can’t see the password they’re typing, this makes it easier to fail their login and this might cost business. You can always add a functional eye symbol that will give your users the choice to see their entered password before hitting Log In.

🏷️ Labels and Placeholders
As fancy and creative as your design can be, use top-aligned labels that clarify the required action. Don’t use placeholders as labels.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Social Login
Enable the option for a social login if it’s appropriate. According to a Gigya Survey , 88% of US users choose the convenience of social authentication despite their security concerns. Still, just like with the Stay signed In option, it’s not recommended for apps and websites that collect sensitive data.

And most of all, keep the experience simple and familiar. Let’s see how:

1. Simple Login Design Screen with UI Animation

This example by Martin Romaniuk for GogoApps has a clear Login screen section with animation.


2. Clean Website Login Page

This website login page by Vikram Jr . offers a familiar and quick experience with the option to Sing Up.

3. Welcome to Waitty, Sign In to Continue

Food App: Login Screen by Parthsarthi Trivedi comes as a welcome message with two inputs for user name and password and a single distinctive action button.

4. Surfing Platform Login with email and Social Login Option

This design by Masha Kozikova is for the registration screen on the Legzira Beach platform about surfing. It shows the log-in section with a creative transparent Welcome message over the background illustration, as well as the main option to log in with email or continue with socials.

5. Biometric Single Tap Login

Smart Login – Gojek by Keith Vaz for Gojek Design shows off the UX design decision to log into the platform with just a single tap using your device’s biometric method.

6. Track Your Progress

Reach — Registration/Login by Karina Tarhoni for Tonik. This design has used the brand’s message and visuals well giving a proposition value to the user. Before you meet your guru and enter the life-changing world of fitness — you have to sign up. If you want to track your progress: choose Sign In.

7. Music App Exploration Login

Music App – Artist Profile & login Screen by Amanullah. With great visuals and neon colors, suitable for a music app, the designer gives a simple one screen with options for email and social login.

8. Minimal Login Form

Minimalism never goes out of style as we can see in this simple login form by Denitsa Dimitrova with options to login by email, socials, or create an account, all in one screen. The beautiful visual is a bonus.

9. UI/UX Login Screen Interaction

Ocula Interaction 1 by Samuel Oktavianus shows the power of animation with smooth transitions, subtle input frame animation and checkmark for confirming successful sign-in.

10. Elegant and Simple

Wonders of the world Signup/Login Concept by Muneeb Sandhu for ConvrtX with social login and elegant visuals.

11. Login Design Exploration with Shapes

Daily UI Challenge Login Design by Reva Agbro . Sign Up is the front screen of the app with an easy short form for registration. The design proposes it recognizes the user when they visit for a second time and welcomes them back with a Sign In.

12. Background Blur and Minimalist Approach

Signup Concept by Augustus is a quick exploration with three screens. It starts with a Welcome screen with the options to register to sign in, emphasized with minimalistic icons. each icon leads to the respective screen that offers sign-in or sign-up via email.

13. Success: Confirmation Animation

Ocula UI/UX Login Screen Interaction by Samuel Oktavianus goes fancier with the animations by giving a special screen that confirms the successful login. It’s also a creative design decision to put the two options for signing and sing up in a left-side bar.

14. Quick Socials Login and Remember Me

Real Estate: Sign-in by Gapsy Studio starts off with social login and also gives the option to unmask the password and allow the website to remember the user.

15. Modern and Simple

Login Page Web Design by Yasir Ahmad Noori impresses by balancing simplicity with a very high-end design. It features a lovely welcome message “Hello Again! Welcome back, you’ve been missed” and all best practices in one screen still looking clean. Sign In via email, unmask password, social login indicated with colorful icons, and register Now option in the upper right corner.

16. Quick and Organized

Socially UX/UI Design Social Media App Login Screen by Lukasz Ratajczyk for Unikat with dark mode, simple sign-in form, and SingIn-Register toggle button.

17. First Impression

Pryon UI login design by Gleb Kuznetsov with amazing visuals, animation, and simple and convenient login.

18. 3D Animation

Login Page 3D Animation by Izmahsa for Awsmd.

19. With Light and Dark Mode Toggle Button

Login page by Layo asking for name, email, and password. It gives the option for social login, password unmasking, and Sign Up.

20. Login and Verify

Customer Login Page User Interface by Sourav Aich with mobile number login and verification screen. It also features the option to go back to Sign Up or contact information.

21. Login and Register Minimalistic Screens

Login and Register screen ideas by Marko Ninic with a minimalistic approach. Very quick and easy to access.

22. All In One Screen

Qianyou Login by JzhDesigner with everything in one screen: email login, registration option, social login, and auto-login.

23.  Smart App Face ID Login

Smart Car Login by Eddie Luong for Interactive Labs. This flow in particular let users use their Face ID to unblock the app as Multi-factor authentication.

24. Cute No-Peaking Animation for Kids

Childcare App by QClay with a cute animation of a teddy bear covering its eyes when the young users fill their password.

25.  Login and Phone Number Verification Code

KnowShow – Login UI Design by Omid Iravani for Agency Wolfe with screens for entering user’s phone number and verifying it.

26. Elegant Minimalism

Login Screen by Yeşim Yardımcı with beautiful visuals and clean design. It starts off with the log-in screen and options to choose between LogIn and sign Up.

27. Quite a Strong Password

Appella – Music School App by Michal Michańczyk with options to login by email or scanning QR code. The password change visualizes if your new password is strong.

28. Login Using the Password from your Clinic

Strong app Signin by Fabian Barszcz for Tonik. The idea is to reinvent the physical therapy industry by using AI to create a hyper-customized rehab protocol for each patient. This leads to the decision to log in only with a password from your clinic.

29. Subtle UX Animations

This form Login Design by Denis K . is Very simple but what makes it special is the small UX animations accompanying the user’s actions.

30. Video Background and Quick Access

Spotify Login design by NGTS based on the original brand. It has a cool background video design, very simple form, and Login Sign In tab bar.

31. Login Screen Animation

LYD Login High-tech Screen Animation by Hoang . The login section itself is standard with the complete set of options for login and sign-up.

32. Brand Illustration

Screen Login by Ashwith . Again, standard and complete with everything needed, very convenient for the user and has a matching brand illustration.

33. Simple and Easy to Navigate

Log In and Account Menu by Nick Budrewicz for VIA Creative.

34. Welcome Back. Choose Your Login Option

Website Log in Page by Rifqi Naufal F . Textbook example for keeping it complete and clean: welcome back message; socials login; email login; unmask password; remember me an option; forgot my password; distinct action button; register. All without overwhelming the user.

35. React Material Admin · Login Page

Login page · Light Mode by Van , minimalistic and consistent.

36. More Engaging UI/UX Animations

bbbox: Delivery App Onboarding by Meworkees for Agency Wolfe with cool animations.

37. Keeping Users Zen

Yoga Login Page Design by Jahid Hasan consistently follows the values of the app by not frustrating users with many options or information.

38. Clean in Dark Mode with 3D Visuals

Instagram Login Screen by Alzea Arafat .

39. Simple and Modern Approach

Zone – Signup & Login by Jack Earsman with welcoming message and personalized icon.

40. Standard and Quick in Light Green

Healthcare App Login Flow by Purrweb UI .

41. Stylish and Complete

Website Log in Page by Anwar Hossain .

42. Landing Page Login Design of Risk Control System

System Login by Zoeyshen .

43. Modern Visuals

Login Page Design by Tuhel Rana .

44. New User or Already a Member?

Sign in & Signup Screen by Sahil Bajaj for Master Creationz.

45. ID and Passcode

Demat Login UI by DStudio for online banking with customer ID-s.

46. Let’s Sign You In

Fintory Sign In / Register Screen Design by Kevin Dukkon with a lovely welcoming message and quick login design form.

47. Two-screen Login on Transparent Glass

Mobile app login screen and sign-up flow by Horea Nicodin .

48. Standard Form with Improved Visuals

Dashboard: Login by Batuhan Kara .

49. Login, Sign-up, and Forgot Password Screens

Mind Inventory Login And Sign-up Screens by Yashvi Bhatt .

50. Modern Corporate Design

And last, but still, great work comes from green illumination Clearfreight Login Design by Iftikhar Shaikh .

In Conclusion

As simple as Login pages may seem, it takes a lot of experience and creativity to balance great modern visuals, convenience, and security. I hope these 50 login design examples inspired you and gave you valuable ideas to try out for your next project.

In the meantime, why not browse through some more related insights on web development and web design?


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