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Web Design Conferences 2017 – The Ultimate Guide

The ultimate guide to web design and development conferences, devided by location and dates. Get a full overview of web innovation events and meet ups around the globe.

Is there a better way of meeting like-minded professionals than participating in web design conferences?

If you can think of one, just shoot, but here is why we give thumbs up to such events:

  • They are a great opportunity for networking and creating new partnerships.
  • Always serving the hottest trends in snackable portions .
  • Or you can choose web design conferences, exposing you to larger amounts of information ( depending only on your personal taste).

Easily browsed by location, date and linked to events’ pages. Let’s not flood you with descriptions of web design conferences, but leave you to explore.

Yes, some of the events are past ones, but they help you get an idea of what to expect next year!

Let’s get started…

New Zealand & Australia

13-17 February New Zealand Webstock
3-7 April Australia WorldWideWeb Conference
4-5 May Australia Respond
14-18 August Sydney, Australia NDC Sydney 2017
17-19 September Dunedin, New Zealand ALGIM Spring Conference
11-13 October Wellington, New Zealand UX New Zealand 2017


23 February Singapore DevSecCon Asia
24-25 February Pune India GopherCon India
27-30 June Singapore IDC 2017 – Interaction Design and Children
11-13 July Hong Kong, China Asia Tech Confrence RISE 2017
11-13 July Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ICeND2017
12-16 July Beijing, China International Conference of eXperience Design
30 August Singapore CX Singapore 2017
16 September Taguig, Philippines Form, Function & Class 2017
30 September Shanghai, China UX World Tour Shanghai


2-4 February Capetown, South Africa Rubyfuza
9 March Johannesburg, South Africa DevConfZA
21-22 August Johannesburg, South Africa Agile Africa
18-20 September Johannesburg, South Africa Source Up!

South America

25-26 August Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil BrasilJS
1-2 September Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil BrasilJS
7 October Sao Paulo, Brasil React Conf Brasil
26-28 October Buenos Aires, Argentina NodeConf Argentina
3-4 November Santiago, Chile Starsconf 2017
9-11 November Floripa, Brasil Interaction South America 2017

USA & Canada

1-3 March San Francisco, USA Mobile+Web DevCon
4-5 April California, USA SmashingConf San Francisco
19-21 April St. Petersburg, USA Front End Design Conference
2-6 May Chicago, USA HOW Design Live
9-10 May Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Front
1-2 June Los Angeles, USA Digital Thinkers Conference
7-9 June New York, USA 99U Conference
14-16 June Columbia, SC, USA ConvergeSE 2017
23-24 June Atlanta, GA, USA We RISE Women in Tech Conference
24 June New York, USA GORUCO 2017
26-28 June New York, USA QCon New York 2017
10-11 July Portland, OR, USA Chain React 2017
12-13 July Portland, OR, USA Digital Summit Portland
16-23 July NewOrleans, LA, USA CoderCruise
17-19 July Vancouver, Canada The Design & Content Conference
7-9 August Wisconsin Dells, WI, USA The Conference 2017
23-27 August Boston, MA, USA TypeCon2017
7-9 September Seattle, WA, USA Pacific Northwest PHP 2017
18-24 September Waterloo, Canada Fluxible 2017
18-20 September San Francisco, USA TechCrunch Disrupt
19-22 September San Diego, CA, USA NAGW Annual Conference
14 October Chandler, AZ, USA Desert Code Camp October 2017
16-20 October Las Vegas, NV, USA Adobe MAX 2017
23-24 October Toronto, Canada #fstoco 2017
26-27 October Charleston, SC, USA Revolve conference 2017
30 October – 1 November San Francisco, CA, USA An Event Apart 2017
3-5 November Ottawa, Canada CanUX 2017
5-8 November Portland, OR, USA LavaCon Portland 2017
6-8 November New York, USA DesignOps Summit
13-15 November Boston, MA, USA User Interface 22
13-17 November San Francisco, CA, USA QCon San Francisco 2017
28-30 November San Francisco, CA, USA Clarity 2017


30-31 March Scotland Dibi
20-21 April England UX in the City: Oxford
22-23 June Barcelona, Spain App Design & Development Conference
19-21 June Oslo, Norway Dmi: Design Management Conference
22 June Bristol, UK Pixel Pioneers 2017
21-23 June Krakow, Poland Devoxx
26-29 June Germany DWX Developer Week 2017
27-30 June UK Learn X London
29-30 June Lausanne, Switzerland UXLausanne 2017
29 June- 1 July Amsterdam, Netherlands Dutch PHP Conference 2017
30 June Brighton, UK Patterns Day
30 June St.Leon-Rot, Germany UI5con@SAP 2017
6-7 July Barcelona, Spain AngularCamp 2017
9-16 July Rimini, Italy EuroPython 2017
14-20 August London, UK UX&Digital Design Week 2017
17 August Reykjavik, Island Material Conference 2017
30 August – 1 September Zurich, Switzerland Frontend Conference Zurich 2017
30 August – 2 September Rovinj, Croatia Web Summer Camp 2017
3-5 September Berlin, Germany Droidcon
4-5 September Malmo, Sweden The Conference 2017
4-6 September Brighton, UK Reasons to: Design, Code&Create 2017
5-6 September Copenhagen, DK ColdFront Conference 2017
6 September Stockholm, Sweden Nordic Design
14-15 September Budapest, Hungary JSConf Budapest 2017
27-28 September Copenhagen, Denmark Design Matters
28-30 September Stockholm, Sweden EuroIA 2017
1-5 October Copenhagen, Denmark GOTO
5-6 October Oslo, Norway MobileEra 2017
5-6 October Krakow, Poland MobiConf
10-13 October Braga, Portugal Mirror Conf
11-12 October Graz, Austria World Usability Congress 17
12-13 October Berlin, Germany The Codemotion Berlin 2017
16-18 October Budapest, Hungary Agilia Budapest Conference 2017
18-20 October Budapest, Hungary Amuse UX Conference 2017
20-21 October Munich, Germany Push.conference 2017
23-27 October Munich, Germany International JavaScript Conference
23-27 October Munich, Germany International PHP Conference
26 October Birmingham, UK Canvas Conference
26-27 October Budapest, Hungary JSConf Budapest 2017
6-7 November Berlin, Germany Beyond tellerrand // Berlin 2017
6-10 November Antwerp, Belgium Devoxx 2017
6-10 November Munich, Germany W-JAX 2017
7-8 November London, England AngularConnect 2017
15-16 November London, England IoT World Forum 2017
16 November Belfast, Northern Ireland Pixel Pioneers Belfast
17 November London, England HalfStack 2017
23-25 November Thessaloniki, Greece Voxxed Days Thessaloniki 2017
30 November Paris, France dotCSS 2017
30 November Berlin, Germany App Promotion Summit Berlin 2017

Keeping you updated… is a great website to keep up with the upcoming conferences, as well as past events. Clicking on a event, links you directly to the event’s website, social media. What’s more, you get useful information about how many people attended, the topics and the speakers.

Here are some useful links for their conference categories:

Web Design
Web Development
User experience

Which Web Design Conferences are on your list?

Are you planning on attending any of the events?

We’d love to hear about your experience with past events as well. Still, one of the most important reflections is, if your expectations were met and to what degree. How would you rate web design conferences you attended? We think that leaves room for an evaluation discussion in another article, with feedback for such events. Let us know if that interests you!



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