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15 Web Developer Portfolio Websites that We Admire

A collection of our absolute favorite 15 web developer portfolio websites

Crafting a professional web developer portfolio is vital for freelancers, studios, and agencies. It serves to show off the developer’s skills & problem-solving approaches to potential clients and employers. A well-crafted portfolio not only highlights past projects but also reflects unique style, creativity, and expertise, setting developers apart in a competitive market.

So what makes a successful web developer portfolio? It usually includes essential elements that effectively communicate capabilities and experience such as diverse projects that demonstrate proficiency in different technologies, platforms, and industries. Also, features like an “About Me” section, clear contact details, and testimonials help build credibility and trust with visitors.

This is why, for this article, we’ve hand-picked our absolute favorite 15 web developer portfolio websites , analyzing each to uncover what makes them special, so we can help you get valuable insights and inspiration the next time you update your own portfolio .

1. Dimitri Ossykovaris Interactive Portfolio

Let’s start with the first portfolio. Dimitri Ossykovaris is a front-end developer based in Brussels, who has launched a fresh portfolio website to showcase his talents. When you first arrive, you’ll notice a creative touch—a fake loading screen that adds a bit of excitement before diving into the site’s content. Once inside, you’ll find an interactive portfolio page where you can freely explore five different projects scattered around.

Key Highlights:
  • Engaging Entry Experience: The playful fake loading screen adds a fun twist to the usual website introduction, making visitors curious about what’s to come.
  • Interactive Portfolio Page: With a drag-and-drop interface, visitors can easily navigate through Dimitri’s projects.
  • Smooth Transitions: Moving between project pages has smooth transitions .
  • Detailed Project Information: Each project page offers in-depth details, including the technologies used and project screenshots.
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2. Mason Wong VR Style Portfolio

Mason Wong, a visual designer at IBM iX, presents his portfolio through a captivating website that blends holographic elements with dreamlike visuals. The site’s smooth scrolling makes it easy to explore, aiming to impress potential clients and employers. With interactive features like content distortion effects and virtual tour designs , it offers a dynamic user experience.

Key Highlights:
  • Unique Theme: The site’s blend of holograms and dreamy aesthetics.
  • Interactive About Me Page: Features a video of the developer in a sci-fi hologram.
  • Frost Glass Projects Page: Offers a sleek way to showcase projects, with scrollable cards.
  • Comprehensive Project Details: Each project preview includes highlights, development specs, and live website links.
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3. We Are Cocoon Web Development Studio Website

boasting an impressive portfolio of over 120 projects completed to date. On their portfolio page, they showcase a selection of works ranging from 2018 to 2023. What sets them apart is how they present each project: with captivating animated demos of the final product that draw visitors in as they scroll.

Key Highlights:
  • Dynamic Project Previews: Instead of static images, Cocoon uses animated demos to showcase their work.
  • Detailed Project Pages: Each project has its dedicated page packed with information about the client, the services provided, and the outcomes achieved.
  • Rich Gallery: Cocoon’s portfolio includes an extensive gallery featuring animated UI/UX interactions and screenshots.
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4. Aimane Front-End Developer Portfolio Website

Aimane is a talented front-end developer with a portfolio that reflects his creative approach and technical prowess. One of the most striking features of his portfolio is his unique self-portrait, crafted from dynamic scrolling animations that showcase his innovative style. On the homepage, Aimane presents his credentials concisely, accompanied by buttons highlighting his proficiency in various programming languages and tools.

Key Highlights:
  • Dynamic Homepage: Aimane’s portfolio homepage stands out with its futuristic design and interactive elements .
  • Comprehensive Skillset: Aimane’s proficiency in different areas is demonstrated through the array of buttons.
  • Carefully Curated Projects: Aimane showcases seven hand-picked projects, each presented with animated thumbnails that expand.
  • Live Demos: One notable feature of Aimane’s portfolio is the option for users to explore live demos of his projects.

In summary, Aimane’s portfolio is a testament to his creativity, technical skills, and attention to detail, making him a compelling choice for front-end development projects.

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5. Cătălin Onuțu JS and React Developer Portfolio

Cătălin Onuțu’s portfolio showcases his expertise as a software developer, particularly in JavaScript and React. The website features a sleek and minimalist design, characterized by a subdued grey color scheme with blue accents for the call-to-action buttons. On the homepage, visitors are greeted with a concise overview of Cătălin’s experience, followed by a list of projects.

Key Highlights:
  • Minimalistic Design: Cătălin’s portfolio prioritizes simplicity and clarity, allowing the content to shine without unnecessary distractions.
  • Project Showcase: Each project is presented with a preview image, accompanied by a description of the project goals and the tools used. A prominent button provides a direct link to view the completed project live.
  • Focus on Experience: The homepage efficiently summarizes Cătălin’s past experiences and skills.
  • Clear Call-to-Action: The blue CTA buttons stand out against the grey background, guiding visitors to take action.

Overall, Cătălin Onuțu’s portfolio exemplifies effective presentation and organization, making it easy for visitors to understand his capabilities and explore his work.

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6. Zchry Portfolio Website

Next, we have the portfolio of Zach Hayes, a seasoned creative designer and developer with over 15 years of experience. The site features a simple and intuitive navigation menu that allows visitors to explore Zach’s personal writings, branding work, and art projects with ease. However, the main attraction lies in Zach’s portfolio, which takes center stage on the homepage.

Key Highlights:
  • Comprehensive Portfolio: Zach’s portfolio showcases 12 completed projects, each with preview photos, project names, and a “View” button for further exploration.
  • Interactive Project Pages: Clicking on a project leads visitors to dedicated pages providing detailed insights.
  • Branding Expertise: With extensive experience in brand development, Zach’s portfolio emphasizes his ability to create compelling brand identities.
  • Easy Navigation: The hamburger menu ensures smooth navigation.
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7. Anton Astakhov Webflow Developer Portfolio

Next, we have Anton Astakhov who is a Webflow developer . He presents his skills through an engaging portfolio website. When you land on his site, you’re given the option to pick from four different color schemes, allowing for a personalized browsing experience. Anton’s portfolio stands out for its attention to detail and informative content.

Key Highlights:
  • Personalized Design: Anton’s portfolio lets you choose from four distinct color schemes.
  • Clear Work Process: The website explains how working with Anton goes, including typical turnaround times and important features.
  • Visually Appealing Projects: On the homepage, projects are showcased in an eye-catching layout, with titles, descriptions, preview images, and links to explore further.
  • Detailed Project Pages: Each project page features animations, essential information like project goals and requirements, and screenshots for both desktop and mobile views.
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8. Made By Kin Web and Film Studio Portfolio

Kin, a creative studio founded by two brothers specializing in Webflow Development and video production, offers a diverse portfolio that caters to both web and film enthusiasts. Their website allows users to easily navigate between web design and video projects, ensuring a tailored browsing experience for each visitor.

Key Highlights:
  • User-Friendly Navigation: With options to filter projects by Web or Film categories, visitors can quickly find content that aligns with their interests.
  • Eye-Catching Visuals: Each project is presented with stunning preview images that smoothly transition to capture attention and showcase the studio’s creativity.
  • Detailed Case Studies: Clicking on a project reveals in-depth case studies featuring client information, project services, and comprehensive overviews.
  • Interactive Galleries: Project case studies include dynamic galleries of screenshots.
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9. Robert Borghesi Creative Coder Fun Portfolio

Robert’s portfolio website is a showcase of his skills as a “creative coder” and designer, complete with a touch of humor and innovation. The site greets visitors with a playful loading animation , followed by futuristic sound effects that enhance the browsing experience.

Robert’s project section highlights his work over the past few years, allowing visitors to explore live versions of his projects. Overall, Robert’s portfolio demonstrates the importance of treating one’s portfolio website with the same care as client projects.

Key Highlights:
  • Playful loading animation adds humor and engagement.
  • Futuristic sound effects enhance the immersive feel of the portfolio website.
  • The project section showcases Robert’s recent work, with live links for visitors to explore.
  • Emphasis on treating the portfolio with the same care as client projects speaks of professionalism and attention to detail.
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10. Stephane Willems Interactive Web Developer Portfolio

Next, we have Stephane Willems with his personal website standing out as a showcase of his web development skills, employing React and animation to bring his site to life. Through clever use of 3D elements and React Three Fiber, he crafts interactive experiences that captivate visitors.

A notable feature is a 3D portrait of Stephane that responds to cursor movements, lending a unique and personalized touch to the site. Navigation is streamlined with a fixed layout, allowing effortless exploration of different sections.

The portfolio page adopts a visually appealing layout with dynamic cards representing various projects, each accompanied by a thumbnail. Clicking on a card reveals a modal window displaying the project name, a larger preview image, and a live link for further exploration.

Key Highlights:
  • The interactive 3D portrait adds a personalized touch to the site.
  • Fixed navigation : you can easily click on a tab to open any part of the site you want.
  • Dynamic cards portfolio layout for projects with detailed modal windows.
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11. Ewan Kerboas Creative Front-End Developer Portfolio

Ewan Kerboas, a French front-end enthusiast and creative coder, presents a sleek portfolio website characterized by bold typography and a futuristic aesthetic. The site’s black color scheme adds to its modern vibe. It’s compact yet impactful, focusing on showcasing four carefully selected works.

Key Highlights:
  • Visually Striking Design: The website’s bold typography and futuristic high-tech vibe create an impressive visual experience.
  • Focused Selection: By featuring only four selected works, the portfolio emphasizes quality over quantity.
  • Detailed Project Pages: Each project page provides comprehensive information, including tags indicating the types of services provided, a descriptive overview, and a substantial gallery of project screenshots.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: The site’s simplicity and straightforward navigation make it easy for visitors to explore and engage with the content.
  • Professional Presentation: With a focus on pixel-perfect design and the use of GSAP animations.
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12. Amce Studios Digital Agency Portfolio Website

The next portfolio belongs to Amce Studios. This is a digital agency that specializes in creating corporate, portfolio, and eCommerce websites. On their homepage, you’ll find a showcase of six selected projects, each representing a different type of website they’ve crafted. When you click on any of these projects, you’re taken to a dedicated page where you can explore the project in detail.

Key Highlights:
  • Variety in Portfolio: The homepage displays a diverse range of projects.
  • Sleek Design: Both the homepage and project pages feature a modern design with clean black-and-white color schemes, organized block grid sections, and smooth parallax scrolling effects.
  • Detailed Project Pages: Each project page offers comprehensive information about the project’s objectives, client details, and outcomes. Visitors can view extensive screenshots of the final product and read testimonials from satisfied clients.
  • Easy Navigation: The website’s navigation is user-friendly.
  • Client-Centric Approach: By including client testimonials and thorough project descriptions, Amce Studios emphasizes their dedication to client satisfaction.
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13. Beyond Measure Webflow Developer Portfolio

Beyond Measure is the portfolio of an 18-year-old Webflow Developer & UX/UI Designer, with a focus on strategy. Olaf, a solo studio owner, leverages Webflow as a powerful no-code platform to craft websites with clean code and excellent customizability.

On his website, you’ll find his latest work showcased immediately below the fold in the Recent Work section, where the purpose of each project is specified instead of traditional titles, such as “Improve the SMPL website structure.”

Key Highlights:

  • Youthful Talent: Despite his young age, Olaf demonstrates impressive skills in Webflow development and UX/UI design, positioning himself as a promising talent in the industry.
  • Effective Use of Webflow: Olaf showcases his proficiency in utilizing Webflow as a no-code platform to create websites with clean code and extensive customization options.
  • Purposeful Project Titles: Instead of conventional project titles, Olaf’s Recent Work section highlights the specific purpose of each project, providing clarity and context to visitors.
  • Detailed Project Pages: Each project page features a comprehensive introduction that outlines the problem, target, challenge, and solution, accompanied by visual aids such as wireframes and screenshots.
  • Focus on Strategy: Olaf’s emphasis on strategy underscores his commitment to delivering purpose-driven solutions that meet the unique needs of each project.
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14. Zero Qode No- Code AI Development Agency Portfolio

Zeroqode is an old no-code development agency known for its partnership with and its expertise in building web, mobile, and AI applications. Their website has a clean and colorful design reminiscent of an app interface, showcasing their latest projects and innovations. With interactive video previews, visitors can explore the functionalities of their AI solutions before diving into detailed case studies of their work.

Key Highlights:
  • No-Code Mastery: As a Gold Tier partner at, Zeroqode demonstrates advanced proficiency in no-code development.
  • Diverse Portfolio: From web and mobile apps to AI solutions.
  • Engaging Video Previews: The website features interactive video previews of its AI applications.
  • User-Friendly Design: Designed like an app interface, Zeroqode’s website offers a visually appealing and intuitive experience.
  • Detailed Case Studies: Each project page serves as a comprehensive case study, offering insights into the task, solution, and features implemented.
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15. Portfoliogc Full Stack Developer Portfolio

Guillaume Cazes, a 29-year-old freelance developer from France, showcases his expertise in React, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL through his sleek portfolio website. Drawing inspiration from Sci-Fi aesthetics, the site features custom shapes reminiscent of spaceship dashboard elements, creating a futuristic vibe. With a single-page layout, the website provides a quick overview of the tools Guillaume utilizes, along with highlights of his four latest impressive projects.

Key Highlights:
  • Futuristic Design: Guillaume’s portfolio website stands out with its Sci-Fi-inspired aesthetics, incorporating custom shapes and elements reminiscent of a spaceship dashboard.
  • One-Page Layout: With a streamlined one-page layout, the website offers easy navigation and quick access to essential information.
  • Impressive Projects: Guillaume highlights four recent projects, including the implementation of Facebook features and the development of a web platform for recording work hours. These projects demonstrate his proficiency in both front-end and back-end development.
  • GitHub Links: Rather than traditional project presentations, clicking on a project directs visitors to Guillaume’s GitHub repository, allowing them to examine the quality of his code firsthand.
  • Transparency and Trust: By providing direct access to his code on GitHub, Guillaume demonstrates transparency and builds trust with potential clients, showcasing the quality and integrity of his work.
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Alrighty, folks, that’s a wrap!

To sum up, a successful developer portfolio boils down to clear communication, a diverse project range, and a user-friendly design. By showcasing a variety of projects that highlight expertise in different technologies and industries, developers can impress potential clients and employers. Features like an “About Me” section, easy-to-find contact info, and client testimonials build trust and credibility. It’s crucial to ensure the website looks good and shows off with some unpredictable animation.

Hey, before you go, don’t forget to check out our other awesome articles on UI/UX design! We’ve got loads of tips and inspiration to help you create stunning designs.

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