Design, UI, UX , Inspiration , Website Examples

12 Highly Creative Website Redesign Concepts For Famous Brands

Find out how talented designers reinvented their favorite brands' websites

We know that famous brands put a lot of energy into keeping their websites updated, fresh, relevant and intriguing. More often than not, time and energy also means money. Since a web page is one of the most important connections with your audience, it is no wonder that big companies are willing to spend fortunes on keeping their audience entertained.

Contrary to this , we will show you how freelance designers and enthusiasts created beautiful website redesign concepts without any cost. Of course, this is a way for them to get noticed and get work, but we are glad we can enjoy their talent.

You might be surprised by the endless amount of beautiful website redesign concepts to be found on Dribbble and Behance . It offers a fresh designer’s/ user perspective on well-know designs. Surely, an independant designer/user would have many thoughtful observations on the interaction of the ordinary user with the brand’s websites. The designers also add short descriptions to their projects, telling us about their ideas behind the design .

That is why, we think the following gallery is particularly interesting!

Google search concept by Juan C. Fresno

Google search minimalist design. The designer here has decided to leave out descriptions for his project. Instead, he has included all the necessary visuals and video demo to explain his concept. We love the fonts and colors and the very clear organization of elements in the space. It looks like 6000 more people think the same – his project is one of the most watched web design projects on Behance. Juan’s other projects also deserve a look, and they are just to hand, in his portfolio. by multiple authors

As the designers have described their redesign concept: ‘Our main objective here was simplicity. We removed all the necessary distractions and focused on presenting.’ See for yourselves:

OBAKU by Kristijan Binski

The following project consists of website redesign concepts for Danish design watches. The designer visualized all the pages for the website and how they look on different devices. Great consistency throughout the whole design.

Volkswagen – Think Blue

Design inspired by origami figures and using as starting point one of VW’s ongoing campaigns at that time. Very stylish, worth checking out.

Wacom by Alisson Rochinski

Very futuristic design, taking into account the trends of other big tech companies and how they convey their services and identity. You can look for example at Apple, Skype and Microsoft’s websites and see the similarities in the design. The methods used are certainly working for their audience.

PayPal by Budi Tanrim

Here the designer uses to his advantage his own user experience with the famous company. Here are some of his comments, provoking him to add some suggestion for redesign of PayPal: ‘…But sadly they still did not change the dashboard, which is quite ok actually . However, the current design doesn’t help me with my regular activity on PayPal. For instance, I need to do a lot of steps for doing withdraw and use currency converter.’

LastFM by Jaromir Kveton

A fresh look for a homepage of The comments from the community are also useful and point out some details in the design.

Yahoo by Alex Banaga

We love this website redesign concept! Check it out – it feels fresh, contemporary and functional.

Unsplash by Ben Schade

Next in our website redesign concepts list is the project for Unsplash. Here is what provoked the designer to rethink the existing design: ‘I’ve always missed some elementary functions on the site. So I decided to take some time creating a concept for a new user interface’

Heap by Focus Lab

H&M by Andrew Baygulov

Andrew has a impressive portfolio on Dribbble, and one of the projects loved by his followers is the redesign concept for H&M. He gets compliments for the cleanliness of the design, color and imagery choice. Have a closer look.

Vimeo by Mohamed Fayaz

Simple, in progress redesign for Vimeo. So far – so good. It proves, that simple solutions for a design, can also be beautiful and effective.

More website redesign concepts for your inspiration

We hope we exposed you to some good ideas for website redesign and that they will be useful in your practice. Feel free to add suggestions for this gallery in the comment section below. If this article was interesting for you, you’d probably also like our other post about famous websites redesigns through time.

Stay tuned for more burger reads.



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